
Monday, April 13, 2020

The Crux

When I beamed this warp, I was trying to use up some tubes of yarn.  I remembered that two of the lighter peach tubes had given me fits in the past - breaking as they were being beamed - so I carefully set those aside and used only the other four that I thought were 'good'.

Within a couple of turns of the beam I realized my error.  Apparently all of those tubes were not suitable for warp. 

Stubbornly I continued for several more turns with each of them breaking in turns until I realized they needed to be set aside for weft and started adding in more beige to replace them.

Well, I'm down to those initial turns of the beam and beginning to have issues at the selvedge as those broken peach ends are revealed.

I think I have enough for two more towels on this warp but I am at the crossroads - do I push through to weave those two towels?  Or do I cut my losses and get rid of the warp?

I would love to use up more of this light peach yarn so that I don't make the mistake of trying to use the yarn in a warp again.  But do I really want to fight through the rest of this warp?

Last night I wound three bobbins - which is what it is taking to weave a towel - thinking that I would jump on this warp first thing and finish at least one towel.

But morning arrived along with another sinus headache and stress dreams (no idea why I would be having stress dreams - sarcasm font) and I am finding the thought of wading into the fray less than appetizing.

Plus I'm waiting for Doug to fix my headphones - a minor repair which will likely take longer to set up to do than the actual repair.  Thank goodness for in house tech support!

I could start dressing the small loom, but I don't really feel like doing that either.

So I will go get dressed and contemplate what to do.  It might just be to cut my losses...


  1. It's at times in similar situations that I ask myself "what would that amount of yarn cost?" If it's low enough I'd feel better about hauling the warp off, cut those losses and put a label on the unsatisfactory yarn for warp.

  2. sometimes life is too short for unsatisfactory yarn.....yarn therapy is the best solution, and saves valuable time!
