
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Trying Times

I pressed 'Pause' on March 23rd, the last time I did an 'errand' (picking up my hearing aids).

Since then I have only left the house twice - two days last week I went for a walk in the neighbourhood.

Since then I have been in contact with a number of people as we share our concerns about the future (Olds classes, mostly) and participated in one Skype call with two friends I am used to meeting with regularly in person.

Our guild has begun Zoom 'meetings' which I have not yet participated in but could join if I wanted to do so.

During this time I think a lot about the meaning of life (What's it all about, Alfie?) and how I want to spend the rest of mine, both during this time of pausing and afterwards.

I'm old and who knows how much time I have left?  OTOH, no one is guaranteed any particular length of life, especially during a pandemic.

So I think about my friends, both geographically near and further away.

Every day I send them my thoughts and prayers (so to speak).  If thinking about someone positively is of any use at all, I think about them and hope they are coping with the current circumstances.

With my limited resources I have donated to a couple of causes, purchased a few items on line.  One was a CD of a musician new to me but I ordered just as the pandemic was crunching down hard and yesterday I got an email with an apology saying they would send as soon as they were able. 

Never  mind - I have lots of music on hand.

And where would we be during this time without all of our creative people to feed our souls while we shelter at home?  If we didn't have authors, film makers, musicians?  If you can spare any money, a lot of them are struggling with gigs that have been cancelled.  Many have Patreon or other ways of accepting donations.

I work creatively and I love music in the studio.  I enjoy reading.  I do watch tv in the evening and hem or do other handwork type activities.  Or build a puzzle.  The puzzle board will get put away soon because I have other things I would like the table for - like starting to ply that uber fine silk to make it fat enough to see.

My hair is growing and getting unruly, but no one but Doug sees it and he doesn't seem to mind.  If he does, he hasn't said anything.  :)

I never did do manicures. 

I do miss my massage therapy and I'm trying to stay physically balanced enough that I don't need a chiropractic adjustment.

I will need to renew my prescriptions soon, but they are 'standard' and docs are doing phone interviews and renewing by phone.  My pharmacy might even do deliveries but if not, Doug can go pick them up.

I am in the compromised group three times over so Doug has declared that he will do outside errands.  Yesterday a friend emailed saying she is trying to get some income for her students and did we need someone to do our shopping for us?  I thanked her for thinking of us, but so far we are fine.

Another friend has made us masks and is mailing them.  I am thinking that walking with a mask might help filter out allergens.  I am not going anywhere that there are groups of people.

My staying at home may seem onerous.  But it is something I can do.  I can remove myself from the line of transmission.  I can - as the flight attendants recommend - put my mask on first before trying to help others.  So I am figuratively putting my mask on by staying home and not inadvertently spreading the virus - or catching it myself.

If you possibly can, stay home.  If you must go out, wear a mask (even a cloth one will help), maintain physical distance, wash your mask, hands, keys, etc., when you get home.

Stay safe everyone.  I want to give all y'all a big hug when it is safe to do so.  In the meantime, here is a virtual one...(   )   (insert yourself between the brackets)


  1. The funniest part of this ongoing situation is that I have FINALLY found (or made) the time to get back to weaving. I rescued a LeClerc 15-3/4" Dorothy table loom last summer; she languished in the sewing room all winter. A few weeks ago I moved her into the guest suite beside a sunny south-facing window, gave her an overhaul with some help from Bryan, and put on a cotton warp with a view to making some functional dish towels. We've both had a few temper tantrums but the last metre of plain weave is looking pretty good if I do say so myself. Perhaps this will stir up the enthusiasm for working on the 45" M.

    Keep healthy. Oh, and good thing the conference in PG was last summer, eh?

  2. Yes, indeed, I thought about that a lot over the past couple of months...

    I hope you become friends with the Dorothy and get back to the floor loom, too. :)
