
Thursday, May 14, 2020

As Others See Us

We rarely see ourselves in profile - or at least it used to be rare.  Now we can take 'selfies' and see ourselves as others do.

My hair cut was booked for the day *after* the provincial government mandated that businesses shut down.  My hairdresser has a home based business and at the time of the closure announcement, she had not one but two vulnerable people in her home.  So she immediately messaged me to say, sorry but no can do.

So I went into the pandemic 'stay safe at home' due for a cut.  Now, 6 weeks or so later, I am shaggy. 

I have never considered myself 'attractive' in the way North American society defines it.  I never much cared about my appearance other than wanting to be 'tidy'.  I have never had the money it would take to treat myself to spa days.  My hands are not attractive and my body is, well, let's just say 'generous'.  (OTOH, medical folk tell me I have 'resources', so there is that.)

Someone posted a photo of herself wearing a mask, giving thanks for the wrinkles around her eyes, saying that even when she (rarely) goes out of the house, people will be able to see her 'crows feet' wrinkles and know that she is smiling.

So I share this profile of myself to share that I, too, have wrinkles around my eyes and that I will be able to smile at people and have them know that I am smiling.

But I also see evidence of aging.  The old age spots, the jowls, the treble 'chins'. 

I am well aware that I weigh more than I would like.  I do look in the mirror after all.  There is a reason I wear pants with elastic waists and baggy shirts.

I see the genetics written clearly on me - grandfather Guillet's 'wild' eyebrows, the jowls.  (I don't know what my father's parents looked like as they both died before I was born.)

For now I am in no hurry to get my long overdue hair cut.  There is no where I need to be until a couple of appointments later in the month - and anyone I see at those won't care what I look like.  As long as I am clean and as tidy as I can make myself. 

As we move through this time of pandemic, it is becoming clearer that many things are going to have to change.  I think that many who are immune compromised are going to find ways to make masks a fashion accessory.  I've already seen one photo of a mask with a Chanel logo on it.  Others have created cleverly designed masks with animal faces, or pretty fabrics.  As more people wear masks, there has been innovation - the ear savers, for instance. 

We know so little about this virus, not even if a vaccine will be effective or available any time soon.  People are going to have to either take precautions, or they will get sick.  And the thought that some people will not take precautions, willing to get sick is a very sad thing in my opinion.

Stay safe.  Stay well. 

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