
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Things Can Change


One of the things I do is mull over decisions, not just creative decisions, to be honest, but I rarely accept the first thing that occurs to me as the final thing.

My challenge this past while has been to work on using up the yarn that had been wound onto pirns.  I had quite a lot of pirns - like in excess of 1000.  At times I would wind pirns in anticipation of needing that yarn, then having things change.  So it was with a whole lot of 2/16 cotton.  I was expecting an order from a shop and in the end she changed her mind and I was left with pounds of the yarn wound onto pirns, ready to be woven.  And no order to weave.

Now that the pirn winder has gone to a new owner, I needed to clear the yarn off the rest of the pirns so it became a priority to use it up.

There was rather more green than I normally use and so most of my tea towels have been some sort of green.  I am running out of options and yet there are still more pirns with green wound on them to use up.

Checking over my stash, it is getting harder to find good combinations for warp to weave off that green so I have been stretching my creative juices.  

What I have is enough black/dark blue to wind a warp.  What is more iconic than the northern lights, primarily seen a dark sky.

So the next warp will be some sort of variation of the impression of the northern lights dancing across a dark sky.  To that end I spent several hours playing with a design concept and came up with something yesterday afternoon, editing something I had come up with the day before.  

But the draft didn't set right.  It wasn't giving me the effect I had been looking for and it simmered on the back burner overnight and this morning, niggling away at me.

I just now went back to the draft and changed the tie up.  That's it.  Just changed the tie up.  And carefully saved it as well as the original.  I have two different greens to use up so I may weave off the one with one shade of green and switch to the other for the second.  Those two yarns may not be enough to weave off the entire warp so I will see what else there is on pirns.  And if there isn't enough, because I've done a pretty good job of using up the yarn, there are other colours still on my shelves on tubes.  

Or I might leap off the pier into the deep end and use white.  There are, very rarely but not unheard of, white northern lights.  

Time will tell.

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