
Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Yesterday Doug went to the printer and discussed the changes I wanted to make to my hang tags.  This morning, shortly after 9 am the email with the changes in proof form arrived in my inbox.

I suspect that such businesses are hurting from the pandemic closures and was actually a little surprised they were open, except they probably can do physical distancing.

Doug was pleased to see that as soon as he left, an employee was already wiping down everything he touched as he then felt secure that they were doing it for everyone.

After some discussion we agreed that I should keep the "Weaving" while dropping the "Studio".   (I choose "Weaving" rather than "Weaver" because Weaver is also a surname and at one point I got listed in the directory as Laura Weaver!)

There are reasons for me to make a noticeable change, too lengthy and boring to go into here.

I kept the Master Weaver designation because even though I am retired, no one can take my credentials away from me. 

I am keeping the post office box so the address is the same, but I no longer have a business phone so we now list the home phone and the hours at which we would entertain phone calls.  Not that anyone does, but...

It was also time to drop the other business info - I am no longer a dealer for Ashford and will not be actively seeking commission work.

It took me years to get my business fine tuned and it is going to take some time to close it completely.  Like wrapping up a life, a business takes time to shut down accounts and get paperwork done.  As a friend commented a few weeks ago, my timing in shutting down was rather prescient, and I'm actually glad I did.  Or perhaps relieved is a better word to use.

And so Life does go On, just in very small, incremental ways.  I choose to stay home as much as possible.  Today I need to go have blood work done for my 6 month check up.  I'm not sure if the nurse practitioner will just phone me with results or if she will have me go into the clinic.  I suppose it depends on how the numbers look.  I haven't stressed out about it too much this time.  The pandemic kind of uses up all my stress focus.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop thinking your retirement turned out to be superb timing... But then... there is Hugo Weaving. :-D
