
Monday, June 29, 2020



I have a 'significant' birthday coming up soon.

In years past, I would run a 'birthday bash' special sale and I have been trying to think of what I should do this year - if anything, given the state of the world.

What kind of sale?  What should I offer?  How long should I do it?

I used to run my special offer from July 1 (Canada Day) to July 9 (my actual birthday) but right now I'm not sure I really feel much like celebrating.



2020 has been a bit of a, well, 'interesting' year and looks to be getting much worse for some, but better for others.

And while I might make an offer, in the end no one is being obliged to take it.  It is just that - an offer.

So how to go about it?

Here is my plan, then.

From 00:01 July 1 until 24:00 July 9 your local time, anyone who buys a copy of The Intentional Weaver will also get a tea towel from me.  After making your purchase, email me a copy of your order confirmation, the colours you prefer and your mailing address and I will pop a tea towel into the mail to you.  Email laura at laurafry dot com

If you are outside of Canada, do a Google search for the title and you will be directed to the website that serves you.  (I have found that my including the link to the Canadian website means that people outside of Canada cannot place an order.)  Use the search term The Intentional Weaver or some variation.

One of the unexpected benefits of choosing for my mode of publishing is that it has the ability to ship around the world, reducing shipping costs for the purchaser.

And yes, I will mail internationally as one tea towel can be sent as a small packet which isn't terribly expensive.

We are half way through 2020.  Hang in there everyone!  If you need to go out, wear a mask.  Keep physical distance from others.  Wash your hands with soap and water when you get home.

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