
Sunday, June 14, 2020


We have an opportunity during this time, in this place, to change 'normal'.

For white folk not understanding what is happening to 'other' people (i.e. 'not white'), find out who Jane Elliott is (handy link here to start) and think about what she has to say.  It will take some time.  You may find what she is saying uncomfortable.  You may want to leave the room.  Admit that you have the luxury of doing so while POC in North American society cannot change out of their skin in order to be treated fairly, equitably.

There are numerous video clips on You Tube of her meetings and seminars and even her original study Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes.  I urge everyone who is not aware of these to take some time today, on Sunday, 'normally' a day Christians are supposed to spend in prayer and contemplation, to think about what their life is like compared to someone else's.

I have been aware of white privilege for quite a long time.  For a time I did not see how I could personally make a difference.  Until I became fed up with opinions, loudly stated, by some family members and began to push back.  It was not well received, to say the least.

In the past few years I have become much more vocal in speaking up on the internet as well as in my daily life.

There were a number of things posted to the internet this morning that revealed the perception of what is 'normal' and what is not in North American society.  It is time for people to address the things that white people consider 'normal' and what they consider 'normal' for people of colour.

If a political party loudly claims that they are 'Christian' I want to see them behaving according to the teachings of Christ, not what some 'prosperity' preacher is touting.

This is the time to listen.  This is the time to learn.  This is the time to change things for the better for ALL human beings, not just the ones in power, currently.

Thus ends today's sermon...

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