
Saturday, June 6, 2020


Today I am pressing 'pause' for me.  I woke with a roaring sinus headache.  I am wooly-headed and emotionally raw.

There are many pithy comments that completely sum up what needs to happen. 

You cannot drink from an empty cup.

If the masks come down, put yours on first before you try to help someone else.

A choir sustains a long note by allowing individuals to drop out to take a breath, then take up the note again.

If you find yourself empty, you are allowed to stop and re-fill.

If you cannot breathe, you are allowed to stop and take a deep breath.

Today I need to concentrate on a complex pattern and I need my focus to be on that.  So I am going to get dressed and go to the loom.  And fulfill the commitment I made to weave these 'samples' for another weaver. 

You are allowed to rest.

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