
Thursday, June 18, 2020


Procrastination.  It's a thing. 

There are times when I find myself not really wanting to do something, finding all sorts of distractions for not Doing The Thing.  Dragging my feet.  Shoving That Thing aside, over and over again. 

The more I shove it aside, the less I want to actually do it.

Over the years there have been all sorts of things I really did not want to do, but must.  And every single time I have learned that the reluctance to just Do The Thing becomes bigger and bigger and the less inclined I am to just Do The Thing.

I always have an excuse, oh my yes, I do.  Sometimes the excuse is legitimate.  But most frequently it isn't.  I allow the more 'interesting' distractions to push the thing I do not really want to do aside until it goes 'critical' and I must Do The Thing.

And every single time I find that the thing I did not want to do really wasn't all that bad, once I finally forced myself to just Do The Damned Thing, get it done and over with and out of my hair.

So I tend to cope with those projects by setting deadlines.  Goals.  Telling myself quite firmly that I must Do The Thing on such and such a day, have it complete by such and such a date.

Being self-employed for 40+ years, I have had to be firm with myself over and over again.  I have worked hard at my craft, figuring out the principles and honing my skills.  When I set my mind to getting something done, it may not bring me 'joy', but it brings me peace of mind.

Now that weaving is my hobby, I have let a few things slide.  This week I am getting one project completed, and hopefully once it is done I can do the next more interesting thing.

My goal of weaving down my stash continues.  I am pleased with the design for the next tea towel warp, but first I have to do the things on my current To-Be-Done list.  Now that I'm getting down to the dribs and drabs of the tubes of 2/16 cotton, I should begin to see some real holes open up on the shelves. 

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