
Saturday, June 27, 2020


A friend made masks for Doug and me. 

Wearing masks has not been a societal 'norm' in North America but frankly?  It should be. 

We would all be better off if, during cold/flu season and in the midst of a global epidemic (pandemic) we would stay home if at all possible - if not, then wear a mask.

First and foremost a mask will protect *you* from catching the virus.

Secondly, if you have the virus but have not developed symptoms yet, it will protect others from any virus you might be shedding.

I am compromised on several fronts - a blood cancer that leaves me open to catching anything that wafts by - specifically a cancer of my immune system.  Cardiac issues.  While I have not - yet - had a heart attack, I really do not want to damage my heart.  Like the anesthesiologist commented, I have a good heart, crappy plumbing.  And last - but not least - I am in the age bracket that does not do well, statistically, with fending off this particular virus.

I am selfish.  I want to live a while longer and I would prefer to do it without the health deficits that many are reporting after surviving this virus.

No, it isn't much fun wearing a mask - not in the heat, nor will it be in cold weather, given I wear glasses.  But I'm used to glasses fogging up, I will deal with it.

This morning I read that airlines are lifting their plane load capacity and ending physical distancing on their planes.  Which makes me leery to take any long distance trip.

I am not going to rush to dine out.  I'll eat at home, thanks, as boring as that may be.

I am not going to go to a party, or other location where people are packed in with poor air circulation.

And I rather suspect a lot of other people are going to stay safe at home as much as possible, too. 

Until there is a reliable vaccine or at the very least a cure, not just dealing with symptoms, I am not planning on venturing out and about.

If the weather ever improves I will resume my walks in the neighbourhood, but in the meantime I am pretty much staying put.

But if I do need to go out, I have masks, and I will wear them, inconvenient or not.


  1. Laura, can I get a shareable link to "This is for you"? I've only found Pinterest links for it and would like to post it to my FB page. I love it when my favorite bloggers share how they are staying safe. I wish more would do the same.
    We're all in this together. Keep well. Robin

  2. I think I stole it from Facebook. Will see if I can find it.

  3. Cross the cords to the ears. It tightens the nose and check areas and glasses don’t fog up. Tried it with my Norwex masks and it works.

  4. Robin, I have it as a photo - if you email me I can send that to you. laura at laurafry dot com
