
Sunday, July 5, 2020

Golden Orb

After days, weeks, months (it feels like) of heavily overcast skies and almost daily rain, we have some sun today.  A welcome appearance of a golden orb, making it's sedate way across the sky.

Not that it hasn't been there all along - just not visible to us on the ground.

The plum trees had some blossoms in the spring but how many have set fruit we don't really know. 

A timely metaphor all way round for life in general.

Even in our darkest days, the sun does shine.  Maybe not on us, but it is there.  Every cloud has a silver lining.  In spite of the rain, the flooding happening, we don't have wildfire smoke pall.

Something to be grateful for, especially during a pandemic that attacks the lungs.

I never understood how people could keep going through things like the Black Plague, the times of extreme weather, mini-cold ages, etc.

Now I know.  You just keep going.  You keep hanging on.  You keep hoping that things will improve.  That the water will abate, the virus die off.

You look for the tiny good things that happen.  A card from a friend.  A phone call (or Zoom, these days).  A pretty picture that reminds you of how beautiful this world is.  How much you value friends.

Recently someone I knew primarily via the internet died.  I always appreciated her blog posts and kind words.  In the end I have a piece of her weaving that will serve as a reminder that people can be lovely and supportive and kind.  Especially on days when I'm dealing with people who don't seem to be any of those things.

I live for the day when I can teach again.  Hug my friends again.  In the meantime today will be a day of physically distant visiting.  A friend will come over this afternoon and we will sit in the carport and have a much needed catch-up.

As our province begins to slowly creak 'open', I will stay home as much as possible.  Wear a mask when I go out.  Keep distance.  Wash my hands with soap and water when I get home.

Stay safe as can be everyone.  Virtual {hugs} to everyone.

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