
Wednesday, July 8, 2020


spool rack set up with tubes ready to beam the next warp

Yesterday I gave the white warp a good long stare, decided that while there was probably enough warp for one more towel I was having enough issues with dye lot differences that I didn't feel like pressing on.   And one section looked suspiciously low on wraps.  I didn't feel like playing yarn chicken with it.  The green I was using for the last towels had a very faint dye lot difference which most people won't even register - but I could.  And it was not bringing me joy...

The tubes were borderline enough to wind another warp from, and in the end I may take all of the tubes that are sort-of big enough for another warp and make a warp with everything tossed in.  Or not.  To be determined.

Since the next warp was all ready, threading draft generated, tubes pulled, I cut the white warp off the loom at end of day yesterday, cut/serged the 9 towels and got them through the washer and dryer.  And set up the yarn for the next warp.

The plan is to beam this warp for another 18-20 towels, then cross it with white.

Which may be reconsidered when I see how the cloth actually looks with such a high contrast warp and weft.  If it looks dingy, I will see what else I have on the shelves that might look better.  It it works, it should look kinda, sorta, like delft pottery.  That's the inspiration, anyway.

The yarns are mostly a dark blue with some darker tubes, some greyed blue and two dark green.  I have quite a bit of the dark blue and this warp won't use up very much of it.  But it will use up some.  And that's what it's all about right now - using up the yarn, one way or another.

The goal for today is to get this warp beamed.  Whether or not I'll get any threading done will depend on how quickly I get myself in gear.  I ran into an allergen last night and I have allergy 'hang over' this morning.  

Better living with chemistry?  Thank goodness for antihistamines!

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