
Friday, August 7, 2020


August and an all white warp is being set up.  There is nothing exciting about this warp.  All one colour.  No fancy colour combinations.  No texture.  Just Plain Jane 2/16 white cotton.

This warp is an effort to use up more of the dribs and drabs of tubes of yarn.  I had intended to mostly use up the bits of beige, but then got side tracked by the mid-range green that had been in the warp just cut off the loom and being wet/dry finished.  There wasn't enough yarn left to wind another warp on nearly all of the tubes, and there may well be some dye lot differences (but so slight as to be nearly impossible for me to see - damned cataracts).  Since I had just enough white left for at least one more warp, here we go...

Once I had the warp threaded yesterday, I muddled around with other colour combinations, eventually pulling yarn for two more warps on top of the two already in the queue.  Once those have been woven, I will reassess and see if I can re-combine any of those yarns.  I still have lots of that very dark blue/black so may wind up doing more of that.  In the winter. During the dark season.

Oh well.  It is what it is.  I have more lights I can set up if it is truly too dark to deal with.

I started seeing a new massage therapist this week and we had a good chat.  He gave me exercises to do and they seem to be helping already.

One of the things we talked about was my tendency to push through the pain and ignore it.  I think he realized how high my pain tolerance (ability to ignore my pain) was when he would press on a trigger point and ask how much pain there was and I would say nothing or that it was a one or two.  He said it was probably higher but I was shutting it out.

We talked about my years of being a production weaver with critical deadlines and the fact that I am now retired.  And he looked me in the eye and said it was time to stop pushing through.  Stop ignoring my body and my pain and help my body to get better.

This is a gigantic shift for me.  I have been physically fit for most of my life, but also fought through the pain that I was feeling.  He assured me that if I just stopped abusing it, it would get better.  That at my age (ahem) it was time to take care of it, as it had taken care of me and my crucial deadlines for so many years.

If I can isolate myself, maintain physical distancing, wear a mask, I can do the exercises and take care of my body.

It is time.  The time for 'excitement' and rolling deadlines is over.  It is time for a little 'boring'.

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