
Monday, August 3, 2020


concrete cracks with many enthusiastic flowers shouldering their way through

In one of my scarf series, I used letters to spell out words.  One of the scarves read "Create Joy".

Of course I can't find the photo of that scarf right now.  I would clean out my photo file, which goes back, well, a rather long time, but the minute I delete something, I want it, so...


I realize full well that right now there is a dearth of Joy in the world.  Personally I haven't felt joyful in quite a long time.  Truth be told, I find myself living my life settling most days for 'satisfaction'.

And you know what?  That's not a bad way to live, I think.

Because satisfaction is a much smaller emotion than joy, so I can find satisfaction multiple time throughout my day while joy remains...elusive.

I find satisfaction in many mundane ways - getting up and dressed, ready to go to the studio.

Weaving another tea towel.  Using up a cone or tube of yarn from the never ending stash.

Finishing a warp - about every two weeks, these days.  Cutting up the towels, getting them through the washer/dryer so they can be pressed.  Then hemmed.  Then pressed again.

Working on the next tea towel warp, finally figuring out what it will look like - satisfaction achieved.

Satisfaction when I can point people in the direction of information they want/need.  Happiness when they thank me for helping them.

I can take sweet delight from a flower, a sun set.  From a friendly email or message.  A thank you for helping people figure things out (not just weaving, either).

Finish another puzzle?  The satisfaction of finding and fitting the final piece.  Closing a book I finished reading - the anticipation of opening the next.

I don't aspire to live a large life.  Just one that satisfies me.

So I will continue to stay home as much as possible.  Be satisfied with my life in as much isolation as I can manage (which is a lot, considering Doug does the majority of the errands).  Wear a mask when I do need to go out, like tomorrow to see if the new massage therapist thinks he can help me.  Maintain physical distancing, like yesterday when the stitch group I belong to came to have an in-person visit in our large carport.  And a thank you to Doug who sets up and cleans the tables and chairs for us.

Stay safe until we can safely meet again in real life.


  1. That’s a fun coincidence. A few days ago I asked my Facebook friends what feelings were evoked by a colour way I posted. The most popular answer was joy, and I’ve just put on a warp that encodes “Joy” in Morse code.

    Thanks for this blog Laura. I enjoy reading it.

  2. Thanks Frank. I wish you much joy in your weaving. :)
