
Friday, August 21, 2020

Slow Simmer

This afternoon I started setting up to beam the next warp.

While this particular warp was conceived quite a few weeks ago, it was going to vary from my 'usual' in such a way as to require a minor change to the loom (additional ties for the sectional beam) so it kept getting set aside while I dealt with the more usual set up.

As I kept moving it to the end of the queue, I started coming up with other colour combinations that would work with this design and lo, there are now four bins with yarns pulled for a short series using the same set up, same weave structure.

So the long slow simmer turned out to be beneficial.  As it percolated in the back of my mind, various technical issues bubbled to the surface, and in the end, even today another slight tweak was made as I was setting the tubes into the spool rack.

(Yes, even after this photo was taken, one more was made!)

Giving myself the time to think, slowly and carefully, about what I was doing has meant that by now, all of the technical issues should have been worked out.

The loom was stripped of the white warp (just under 3 oz of yarn, into the recycle bin - about $1.50 worth of yarn) the two additional ties adjusted for the different size of the Megado beam, and the ties grouped into four bunches.

The bin has been put away because when these tubes come off the spool rack they will go back onto the shelves and then the next one in the queue will be beamed.

After standing to press the towels that came out of the dryer, then putzing getting this ready to go, I felt the need of a break.  And came up to discover that yes, it was raining again.  Right now rather heavily.

I find it difficult to see another grey dreary and very dark day, but must not grumble because it could be like two years ago when we had the horrendous wildfire smoke plume for weeks on end.

There is just enough time to finish setting up the loom for beaming before beginning dinner.  Who knows, I might even get a few sections filled?

Celebrate every inch of progress.  It's still progress...

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