
Monday, September 21, 2020

Another One Bites the Dust


I had intended to finish this warp yesterday, but I had a crap night and slept in, then felt lethargic all day.  

In the afternoon several people from our casual stitch group came for distant socializing, and I managed to hem 3.5 towels while sitting in the carport, as the weather went from mostly cloudy to raining and back again.  It wasn't particularly cold out, but after sitting outside in the smoke free out doors (yay, rain!) I was cramped and chilled and the last thing I felt like doing was going to the loom to weave the last towel of this warp.

So I didn't.

If 'retirement' means anything, it means NOT pushing myself when I'm not feeling well enough physically.  It has been a hard lesson to learn, but I think I've got it now.

Ultimately I have more towels than I can shake a stick at and no idea if I can sell any of them.  I'm hoping the guild sale does well, but who knows.  People have been out of work and feeling financially fragile.  The last thing on their minds might be hand made textiles.

Or maybe they want something 'special', seeing as how they are staying home as much as possible.

Impossible to tell.

Last week Doug mailed several parcels to the US with tea towels.  I made the decision to get tracking numbers, which meant that instead of the small packet price it is costing the expedited price.  Since I said my price included shipping, that means I'm paying twice as much as budgeted for postage, but oh well.  I just wanted the extra security of a tracking number in case any of them disappeared into USPS.

But the recipients have not so far been very affected by the USPS issues and were confident the parcel would arrive, so...

My local guild is trying to get back on track in a covid safe way, so I have slowly been contacting people about presenting Zoom guild programs.  No firm bookings yet, but we will begin in the new year so I'm not pushing too hard - yet.

Seems I know quite a few people and if not personally, I know someone who knows the someone I want to reach.  :D  Nothing like being in this community for 40+ years and having the internet at my fingertips.

But Zoom presentations are new to most people and there are wrinkles to be ironed out and it is taking time and energy many people just don't have.  While I have time, I don't have much energy.  The wildfire smoke last week was kind of the 'final' straw for me and my goal for the day went from three things to just two - there just wasn't more energy (or spoons) for more.

However, heavy rain has helped wash the smoke out of the air and hopefully this week will be better - for everyone.

But today the current warp is going to be finished.  Last night I set out the yarns for the next warp.  I'm not entirely sure it is going to look good but I have to stretch to get enough yarn to beam a warp which means I have to be bold in putting the colours together.  There are two warps in the queue, the next one will use up the last of the black for weft, and whatever warp is left I can use up more of the nearly empty tubes, freeing up more shelf space.  

After that I have a mostly blue warp planned, then it will be back to a white warp, then a mixed beige warp.  But I have no idea what design those will be.  They are at least a month, perhaps more away.  So they can simmer on the back burner for a while longer.

In the meantime, we have a lovely partially cloudy sky, sky which is actually blue, not a milky smoke filled one.  

Time to get to the loom and finish the current warp.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you put those colours together with the design - they're beautiful!
