
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Autumn Fog


And here we are, in October.  The usual morning fog comes and slowly burns off through the day, sometimes revealing nice blue sky, sometimes not.

The pages of the calendar turn, the days roll on.  I either achieve my goals, or I do not.  And the day, the world doesn't care.  They just keep rolling on, regardless of me or what I want.

I knew about the curse 'May you live in interesting times."  The first time I remember hearing it was back in the 1980s.  I never thought I would one day be living in 'interesting' times.  And yet, here we are.

My puny wants and desires are as nothing in the face of the larger world.  And yet.  And yet.

This week hasn't been great for a number of reasons and I am 'behind' on what I wanted to accomplish.  But no one cares, really.  Nothing I do is earth shattering.  Nothing I CAN do will change the bigger picture.

So instead I try to pick away at what I can do.  Help those I can.  Stay as positive as I can (some days are easier than others).

I mine the clouds for silver.  I extend a hand when I can (I can't always).  Light a candle to diminish the dark.

I hoard my energy and patience, of which I have too little, of late.

Gratitude is a good thing and I practice that as much as I can.

And I wait for the fog to lift.

Stay home if you can.  Wear a mask when you go out.  Maintain at least 6 feet distance from others.  Wash your hands.


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