
Thursday, October 8, 2020

What a Difference


the end of the black, beginning of green, tube being used as a bobbin

Yesterday I started using up the green that was in the warp because I had finally used up the black.

And I really really like the green!  So much so that I kind of regret using up so much of the warp with black weft.  But oh well.

I think most people would be hard pressed to tell that both of these were woven on the same warp.  The black totally changes the look, making it more 'dramatic', while the green blends in more, softening the colours, making a more muted statement.

Both are nice, in their own way.  Both will make towels.  

But mostly?  I'm grateful (and not a little relieved) to have done with the black.

Based on this example of value, I made the decision to use up some really dark grey/blue on the blue warp I have in the queue.  The nearly two full tubes will likely take most of that warp to use up, but I think there will be a similar sense of 'drama' with the very dark value weft on the lighter value warp.

But regardless - they will also make towels.

I think the biggest freedom I feel right now is that I am not weaving for an 'audience'.  I can - and do - choose colours that appeal to me (based on what I have on hand because I'm NOT buying more yarn right now).  I am hoping to sell these at some point (and four of the green weft have been spoken for - already paid for, so now I feel pressure to get them done!) but if they don't they can also be used for gifts or donations.  Someone, somewhere, will like them enough to use them.

Yesterday I added two more speakers to the Sunday Seminar Series.  The first six months will be posted soon - I don't want to rush the guild web maven.  She's busy right now getting ready for Thanksgiving.  So I am hoping to start promoting the first six next week.

The first three of the second half of the year come from the Maritimes, Washington State and the lower mainland.

So much fun to talk to people all over the place.

Until we can safely meet in person, virtual can at least keep us connected.

In order to make that happen sooner rather than later, if everyone would please wear a mask when they go out, that would help.  Honestly.  It's not a cure, it's not 100%, but some protection is better than none.  The 'second wave' is breaking here in Canada and right now Ontario and Quebec are facing really bad numbers.  Let's all do what we can to remove ourselves and our loved ones from the line of transmission and beat this virus back.

Remembered to look up the title of the short story collection I'm currently reading:  The Games Creatures Play.  Urban Fantasy for the most part - lots of myths, magic and supernatural havoc.

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