
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

And Onwards We Go


Doug dug out the driveway - again - yesterday.  Winter is definitely here.  And time marches on.

Today I have some personal errands to run so I don't know that I will get two towels woven.  I had another 'bad' night so am running on short sleep rations.  It's hard to focus and get stuff done, even stuff I would like to do, when I just don't have the energy.

I get tired.  And I think that is the way I know that I am finally 'old'.

My priorities have changed over the past two years.  Too many assaults to this body, in one way or another.  What little patience I ever had is long gone.

Over the years I mostly sold my textiles in person at craft fairs.  For about 10 years I would run a 'sale' on this platform, showcasing my towels.  I tried other things over the years - Artfire, Circle Craft on line site, probably a few others I've forgotten.

But textiles are hard to sell unless the customer already has some idea of the quality so I never made much money at it.  

Now there are no craft fairs (I'm 'retired' from doing those) and I'm feeling too old to fight with the technology to try and do something more extensive.  Plus the shipping and the uncertainty with the USPS.  So far all the parcels I've mailed since September have arrived, so that was good news.

I considered setting up a Patreon but didn't want the deadline of producing content for people subscribed.  So I set up a ko-fi account where people could send me 'tips'.  

Or more lately, I have been posting a tea towel of the week and people can purchase by buying the suggested number of 'coffees'.  That way I don't have to set up a payment option and fight with trying to figure out how to make that work on this platform.  (I tried, believe me, I tried, and left defeated.)

During this year of pandemic I have tried to keep this blog focused on helping people work their way through the current events, so rather than use the blog for sales, using ko-fi seemed like a good idea.  But apparently most people have missed the memo.

So if people are interested in possibly buying a towel (or more), use the ko-fi link and subscribe in order to get updates.  Scroll backwards to see previous towels.  I still have some of them, although I will check to make sure if asked.  Email is

And people can always email me and I will send photos.  On line shopping doesn't get more personal than that.  :)

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