
Monday, November 16, 2020

Leap of Faith


Yesterday I got started on the next warp, using a dark purple weft.  

To be honest, the first few inches I wondered if I had made a good choice or not, but theoretically it should work, so damping down my doubts I continued.  By the time I had about 6" done, I knew it was going to be fine.  This morning when I took the photo, I was pleased enough with the results that I will carry on and use up all four of the tubes of purple.  That should weave up 11 or maybe 12 towels.  Still unsure about which colour to use to finish weaving the warp.

It needs to be at least as dark a value as the rest of the warp - Value is more important than Hue.  but I'm getting low on choices, so it will need some mulling over.

I do have a dark blue, slightly green, that will work although I had been kind of holding it for the next warp which will have greens in it.  But I have other options I can use for that warp, so...

While blue/purple/pink would not have been my first choice for tea towels, I have friends who like that combination.  So maybe there are people who would be willing to buy some.

This whole stash reduction goal has provided some lessons, some reinforcement of knowledge, but most of all, mental health during this time of pandemic.

Once I had the numbers crunched and a design worked out, I didn't have to think much, just set up the spool rack, thread this very simple point progression, and weave.

It has been a nice interlude, but with my goal nearly achieved (potentially three more warps after this one), watching the gaps on the shelves grow larger, I think I'm just about ready to move on.

As mentioned in last post, the coming two weeks are a bit fraught (for reasons), and having something I don't have to think about much, just do and be, is just the thing for me right now.

Today I woke to more or less clear skies after several grey dreary days.  I will be heading to the loom after lunch with the goal of two towels woven for the day.  I won't make that every day due to appointments, but I will do my best.

I'm well over half done the jigsaw puzzle and I'm beginning to look forward to setting up my e-spinner and beginning to work on spinning my fibre stash.  I'm also eyeballing all that finefinefine silk, knowing it needs to be plyed at some point before I can use it.  (Gotta be able to see it to weave with it!)

In the meantime, evening work includes hemming the towels that are ready for that step, knitting up some of the acrylic yarns I was gifted (I donate them to charities).  

Last night I also came up with something I could do to mentor some folk.  Early stages yet, but since we are all sheltering at home, classes cancelled, I feel like I need to up my ante and figure out a way to help.  Still mulling over details.  But it falls into the 'if not now, when?  if not you, who?' category.

Or Beau of the Fifth Column's rule 303 - if you have the means, you have the responsibility.

Well, now that I'm getting comfortable with Zoom...I have the means, so therefore, I feel the responsibility.

Feeling at sea during this time of covid?  Try to figure out how you can help others - if you have the energy.  What I have found over the years is that if I'm feeling lost, trying to help others also helps me.

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