
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Plan B


Today two guild members (one being moi) will set out the inventory for the guild sale.  My co-worker designed the poster (thank you!) and has a great eye for display.  In keeping with Covid measures, there will just be the two of us, we will open the windows for air flow, wear masks.

Numbers continue to rise, quite worryingly, and we are going to go ahead in hopes that things don't get shut down.

We had to fill out an official Covid measures plan, which I did, and one of the things that I will do today is set out Xs on the floor (in case we have numbers of people coming), signage to direct traffic.

But we have no idea if all the scheduled Saturday public dates will be allowed.  However, we are also willing to book private appointments.  Masks are required and if people arrive without one, they will be given one.

We have a number of very 'fragile' guild members and we need to protect them.

On Tuesday inventory was beginning to arrive and there might be more today.  If not, I have eight (count 'em - *8*!) boxes of hand woven textiles.  There will be a good selection of items, spun, dyed, knitted, felted, woven.  I know at least one person who will be bringing a quantity of hand spun and/or hand dyed yarn/fibre.  I might be tempted to buy some, just because.  Just because I intend to start spinning again as soon as the current jigsaw puzzle is complete.

After several days of not making much progress, suddenly some of the blobs were beginning to resolve and be fitted into the whole.  While I'm not yet half finished, it is beginning to feel like I might actually get there!

And that is the way with so many things.  You spend countless hours doing something, not seeming to make much progress and then...voila!  

So I continue to work on the guild sale in hopes that something positive will result.  Income for guild members - to buy more yarn/fibre?  Income for the guild.

Hope for the best.  Plan for the worst.  

And always have a Plan B.

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