
Sunday, November 29, 2020



on the loom

after wet finishing

Wet finishing is the final step in bringing a collection of woven threads into being as 'real' cloth.

While on the loom, it was possible to clearly see the reed marks (no so visible in the top photo, but believe me, I could clearly see them), the threads will move to areas of least resistance (filling in those spaces from the reed), relaxing into their place in the structure, and then a hard press that mashes them together to increase stability and encourages better wear as it performs it's function.

Purple isn't really a colour I work with much, although I like it well enough.  But some people just love it so when I was clearing out my yarn stash I had to consider how to use up the few tubes of purple I had.  Eventually it came to this - purple on blue.  

This warp shows the 'value is more important than hue' adage.  You have to look quite closely to even see the purple because the value is darker than the rose, of course, but also darker than the blues.

In the end I wound up with 12 of these.  There are six more with a very dark greenish blue.  They got cut off the loom yesterday and run through the washer/dryer.  I'm all set up to press those and once done I will begin beaming the next warp.  The last of the royal blue with shades of emerald/turquoise.  Something much more to my taste.

I've been struggling a bit the past couple of weeks.  The appointment with the cancer clinic was more stressful than usual, in part due to the current events, no doubt.  When you are already loaded with stress, adding one more layer becomes heavier than usual, even if you are pretty sure everything will turn out ok.

Part of me realized how stressed I was when Thursday came and I remembered I had not posted towels for sale on ko-fi.  Figured I might as well skip the week so I posted these this morning.  

As usual $30 and I'll throw in the shipping for that price.  Still possible to receive in time for Christmas if that's important.

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