
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunny Day


The leaves are nearly gone now, autumn is well advanced, winter hasn't quite arrived.  But this morning we woke to a sunny day, and hope springs eternal...

Just home from the last minute things that needed doing for the guild sale.  Signage is up, the Square system tested.  Final fluffing going on as I left.

Dr. Henry will be making an announcement at 1 pm today which may - or may not - affect our public sale hours.

If she shuts things down, we will move to by appointment only, small cohorts.  Although I don't expect there to be many people who come, it would be nice to accommodate people so that guild members could earn some money and the guild coffers would be a little less moth eaten.  Covid has affected so many things!

But we are well and truly into the second wave now and it is more important than ever people take precautions.  

Our town escaped the first wave with only a very few cases, but not this time.  There are increasing reports of cases in the community and we need to stay aware, stay home as much as possible, wear a mask when we go out.

I had to go to Staples on Thursday and I was relieved to see all staff wearing masks, and wearing them properly.  London Drugs was the same Tuesday evening.

Doug is still doing the majority of the errands so that I don't have to go where there are large numbers of people.

Now we wait.

In the meantime, I have another box of homework I have begun marking, a Zoom meeting to practice my presentation tomorrow, and the blue warp.  Which won't come off today or tomorrow, but Monday.  Never mind - I'm retired.  And personal deadlines are flexible.

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