
Saturday, December 12, 2020

Reading Draft part X


John Tovey c 1969

reading different draft formats

John Tovey's concise book is crammed with really excellent information, some of which is rarely found in 'standard' weaving books.  I remember sitting down and reading it cover to cover, and while I rarely look at it now, I'm wondering why not after thumbing through it for this post.  

Both this book and the next are British, so be aware that some terms may be different from what we are used to now.

The section on twills is worth the price of the book - if you can find it.  (Not the 'new' price quoted on Amazon, but the paper back price.  Of course you might be able to find it cheaper at a guild sale!)

effect of spin direction on twill

If you are a spinner, you might find this bit of information on twist direction and twill direction interesting.

The book is 'only' 100 pages, but full of useful and not otherwise easily available information.

diagram showing live weight brake system

Marianne Straub's book is another slim volume with very interesting information packed into it.  I had forgotten that it was in this book that I first learned of live weight brake systems for looms.  We put one onto the Leclerc Fanny using information from other sources, but it was here I first saw one.  I found that this system doesn't work very well for any cloth requiring a heavy beat so I put it on and take it off as required.

First published in 1977 in Britain, I found it soon after learning how to weave and read it cover to cover.  I was only a few pages into it when I realized I was understanding how to use more than four shafts.  This book has 150 pages, and like Tovey, lots of clear line drawings.  She also describes how to read weaving drafts clearly.

Neither of these books are pattern books per se, but both are packed full of information that I absorbed and use in my weaving practice.

I don't know that I would pay the Amazon price but definitely one I would look out for at guild sales or other second had booksellers.

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