
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Percolation Time


So far I have completed the first warp in the new series of towels and am nearing the halfway point on the second.  There are two more bins of yarn/warps waiting in the wings which is time to start building the next warp.

Seems I was very optimistic about weaving when I ordered some of the variegated 2/8 from Brassard and I have several pounds of the pastel blue/pink yarn sitting on the shelf.  One of the warps in waiting already has blue with this variegation in it, but...I have more.  Plus more solid blues.  

The warp in waiting is paler in value with a very pale blue, a very pale grey and a mid-range blue as the base.

This one I am emphasizing the dusky mauves in the variegated and the base will again be the mid-value blue of the other warp.  What will change the most will be the weft colour.  On the other warp I will use up the various blue flake yarn I have and perhaps use the rose if there is any left.  Or, since I seem to have a great deal of white, I may use that on the warp in waiting.

On this warp I will use charcoal.  Or white.  To be determined.

Changing the value of the weft will make a quite dramatic difference in the finished cloth even though the warps will be quite similar.  Much will be revealed in the header when I 'test' the different colours.

My plan to begin using the finer rayons in my stash has been put on hold in favour of making deeper 'cuts' to my stash in the name of progress on that front.  Plus fringe twisting was going to conflict with my desire to spin - an activity that has been put on hold due to equipment issues.  I am hoping to have a functional spinner again sometime soon, but now that I've begun on this series of towels, I'd like to keep whittling away at that yarn in my stash.  Fatter yarns just take up more room and it would be lovely to see that area diminish.

As stash reduction proceeds, I hope to begin removing shelves from the shelving units Doug added extra shelves to in order to store more yarn on them.  Ultimately, I hope to begin to remove shelving units altogether.

Since I am no longer production weaving (the way I used to do) I don't need this depth of yarn stash (I keep telling myself) and as the stash goes away that should give me more latitude about what I will make.  

Don't get me wrong, I will continue to have a stash - I am just hoping to fine tune it somewhat.  In the future yarn orders will no doubt be smaller and more specific to an area I want to explore.

So I have many pots on the back burners of my mind.  In the meantime, I am enjoying setting up a series and just going with the colours I have on hand.

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