
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Testing, Testing


As part of the stash busting focus, there are times when a certain yarn in a certain colour begins to run low.  For this warp, the colours are a turqouse green, a paler green and two ends of a variegated cotton with the two colours of the warp plus shifting into a darker blue even into a mauve.  The warp colours were loosely put into 'stripes' with one end of the variegated in the lighter value, one into the darker.  And then not only was no effort made to keep the stripes solid, I purposely blended the two colours moving them each one thread into the other, sometimes more.  

The effect is a stripe but a very blurred one.

In the header I tested a couple of different options.  I wanted to see how the variegated wove as weft.  Still mulling that over, but could use in the hem.  But I don't have enough of this dark forest green flake to weave the entire warp so I tried a rose.  I'm not entirely sure I will be happy with that, but will wet finish the header and see how it finishes.  Because sometimes a combination that looks a bit 'raw', a bit 'off', works once the threads have settled and been given a good hard press.

I had intended to take a photo of that, but forgot and just carried on weaving which puts the header buried under the first layer of the towel.

The plan for this warp is to use up the forest green.  Use up the pale green flake.  There should be enough flake in a darker green close to the turquoise green in the warp to make one towel.  Whatever is left will likely be woven with the rose.  The rose tends to muddy the warp colours a bit, turning a bit brownish, which is not a deal breaker if the overall effect is ok.  I will judge once wet finishing has been applied.

Sometimes you just have to do the sample.

PS - the undulations you see in the upper layer?  Are not from uneven beating but from the thick/thin areas of the yarn.  The twill line is obvious in the bottom layer.  

1 comment:

  1. I like to see creators’ thought processes as they contemplate options.
