
Monday, February 1, 2021



View from the bottom of the loom to show the 'right' side of the cloth

Yesterday was busy.  I had a 'bad' night, didn't sleep well, then slept 'in' so that it was a bit of a scramble to get set up for the next Zoom meeting.  But that seemed to go well enough, given the constraints of on line meetings and I even managed to not go off on too many tangents.  (Well, one or two, but not too far off topic!)

But then it was hours of fiddling with the video trying to remember the steps of getting it processed to the point where I could get it uploaded to You Tube.  Too distracted to actually do anything while the data 'cooked', not wanting to weave because I didn't want to have the data get 'spoiled', I prowled the studio picking at this and that, while the data 'cooked'.

But finally it was done - just in time for dinner.

While I paced, I thought.  There were nearly 20 names on the list for another group (which then thinned out to less, but...) and what the heck, I'm going no where, my days are unencumbered by much, especially on the weekends, why not.

So I've just now set up another study group.  If I have your contact info AND we are friends on Facebook I have sent invites to join the group.  If you are waiting for an invite, check your notifications.  One person I was unable to add, don't know why, will try to work on that later.  The group is hidden from searches, the only way to join is to get an invite.  Once you are in the group, you can send invites to others.  I can take up to 100 in a Zoom meeting so the group will be capped at around 80 or so.  The live event will be recorded, then up loaded to You Tube so if you miss the live event because Life Happened, it will be available later for viewing.  Some people also like to watch it to remind themselves of the content, because it's complex and sometimes it's good to have a refresher.

Bottom line?

If you are interested in an on line study group that discusses the principles of the craft, won't give you hard and fast 'rules' (because there aren't any), but encourages you to think about your own practice, requires no homework to be completed, has no final test?  This group might be for you.

I don't even charge anything but will share my ko-fi link and anyone who wants, and is able, may send me a donation.  My account is set up for 'coffee' as a unit ($3 Canadian - such a bargain!) and people can buy multiples, send a flat amount, or even set up a recurring amount.  If someone can't afford to send anything, they won't get kicked out.  

Members should, however, have a copy of my book as the content is based on that resource.

Anyhoo - if you are interested you can join and if it isn't what you want, leave at any time.


  1. Laura, how can I find the you tube posts? I’m not on FB



  2. You can't, they are unlisted and not find-able with a search. Email me, we can discuss.
