
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Not Perfect


Over the weekend I did two Zoom meetings.  The topic was one that I had carefully crafted, done a Power Point presentation, photos and text to explain and then did a verbal explanation in more detail.  It was the third time I'd given this particular topic and someone caught a mistake in one of the slides.  During the Q&A she asked for clarification and with a sinking stomach I realized my mistake.  

What did I do?

I told her she was correct, that I had said the wrong thing.

Sometimes as adults we like to think we don't make mistakes.  But the truth is that we do.  And just because we are supposedly 'experts', that doesn't mean that we are immune from having a brain cramp, or get tired and forget what we meant.

My philosophy is this - if I make a mistake I own up to it and correct it.  Because I'm not perfect and I do make mistakes.

Sometimes I have to admit that I chose the wrong material or process or equipment.  Learn the lesson and grow.

Once the presentation was done I opened the Power Point file and corrected it.  Now when - IF - I do this topic again, it will be correct and will remind me to say the correct information.

However, the first two recordings continue to have the incorrect info.  I will go into the first two groups and let them know I said the wrong thing.  Because it's the right thing to do.

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