
Saturday, March 13, 2021

Spring Break Up

spring green


Mid March and we have arrived at second winter, spring break up, early spring.  Take your pick.  The time of year where it could snow one day, sleet the next, snow again, then rain.  Or the sun could be brilliant, melting all that white (or whatever colour it is by this time) on the ground.

Sap is rising and expectations of vaccines coming are too.  I think most people are experiencing a particularly difficult seasonal change this year.  And of course tomorrow we 'spring forward', adding another layer of difficulty as we try to change our sleep pattern and deal with young children, older folks and pets who just don't understand why meals have been moved from the schedule their body is used to dealing with.

And for people with environmental allergies, like me, we are dealing with dust, pollen, etc., and immune systems going a little bit crazy.

This morning I broke down and used the Rx nasal spray I have for 'emergencies'.  It seems to be helping but I know that tomorrow morning it will be a repeat of today (probably) and so I'll be muddle headed for the Zoom meeting. 

However, I have been here before and know that I can suppress it and crash later.

Last night I rearranged the studio so that I can wind bobbins for the placemats more easily.  With six yarns going into the bundle, I need to raise the bobbin winder to get more distance between the tubes and the winder.  A longer distance would be better but I just don't have the room in my studio to set it up and continue to do other things in there.

Doug continues to tag the tea towels woven over the winter, I'm trying to get the next warp for the Megado sorted.  I thought I was doing that last night, then this morning remembered I had decided on a different colourway first.  So I need to wind some yarn onto spools for that.  However, the other one is now ready, so there is that!

Right now I have four warps ready for the Megado - or at least in the works.  As I work through those I will set up a few more because the goal is to try and use up as much of the cotton flake as I can.  I'm also using the 2/8 cotton variegated as accent in these warps, so those cones are also shrinking.

There are a few more bobbins to be plyed, then set up on the dining room table to make blending board 'worms'.  I'm enjoying spinning a bobbin in the evening as an alternative to hemming.

In many ways I feel as though I must continue to 'wrap up' my old life before I can figure out what to do with the rest of it.  I'm sure that when the time is right the 'next' thing will appear.

Patience, Grasshopped...


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