
Monday, June 21, 2021

Suddenly Summer


After a winter that seemed to drag on forever, and spring break up that appeared it was never going to end, suddenly we have summer.

The coming week is supposed to hit 30 degrees plus (that's Celcius, not Fahrenheit).  I cannot say how grateful I am that we have a/c and I may skip walking when it hits that high.  I have books.  I have yarn.  I have a body that is protesting my doing much of anything right now.  

I also have a bunch of photos to take for my 'birthday bash' special and get things organized for July 1-9.  I know how to do it, I just don't like doing it.

This is the part I like the least about making stuff - getting it moved on out to someone else's home.  But my shelves are now filled with tea towels and I really need to free up some space.

With a new Big Project looming (heh) I may need to do another re-organization of the studio.  It will be easier if I can put things away 'properly' instead of bins stacked in every corner.

On the other hand, I've done a really good job of using up my cotton yarns, so there is that.

This coming Sunday I have no Zoom meetings.  OTOH, July 4 I have one and I need to finish writing the Power Point for that.  Sounds like sitting in front of the computer for a few hours might be a good hot summer activity.

Today I will press the last of the towel series I just finished, then if my back feels up to it, I'll try weaving one towel.  I have no lack of things I could be doing, just a lack of spoons to do any of it.

But never mind.  I'm still here.  Hopefully my back will settle and I can get back to weaving.  Because I still have Way Too Much yarn.  


  1. I confess to reading what people in snow country write to imagine what it would be like to not have yard chores year-round. I know, you shovel snow, but the constant tending of shrubs, including roses like your picture, and watering and weeding. Sigh. I need to remember to stop and smell the roses.
    Hope your summer is enjoyable.

  2. Doug does pretty much all of the outdoors chores since I'm allergic to almost everything outside. Winter can be fun if you like the conditions. :) Not everyone does. Hope you are managing to get a little weaving in, in between the outside chores.
