
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Hitting the Wall


I appear to have - in many ways - hit the wall today.  OTOH, as someone pointed out, that wall is there to lean against and rest, so while I haven't been doing 'nothing', neither have I been flogging myself to go weave.

Instead I am working on some other projects that are/were in the background.  One has come to the foreground now and I have been sifting through the documentation, working with another person, so make sure they get what they need.  The bad news is that their deadline is now (ahem) looming and I need to NOT make any mistakes.

So I am taking some care to go through their emailed instructions to make sure I know what part I need to play in this project.

Another is still simmering in the background, but just now added a Zoom meeting to my calendar for 10 days hence to discuss further, now that we've had time to think about it.

And, oh yeah, did I remind y'all that my Birthday Bash Special is live?  Check it out on my ko-fi account (link below).

In addition to that a friend needs some help right now so while Doug is playing point on that, I still need to provide information.  He figures he's got everything we need to contribute lined up and now the wait to see if it all works out.

I was doing ok with the heat until the humidity took a leap up.  It's not super very high, compared to some, but it's 'high' for us and today has been a struggle.

Today I needed to see my chiropractor and a list had been growing of a number of small items I needed to stock up on, plus some other things that I felt I needed, so in addition to getting my neck crunched, I braved one of our smaller 'department' stores.  Of course it's been weeks since I've been in and they have rearranged their aisles to better deal with pandemic protocols (fewer aisles, more room, etc.) so it took far longer for me to find what I wanted and by the time I was done there, I was just done, period.  I was actually quite relieved that nearly all the people in the store were wearing masks.  I think I saw two that weren't.

After a break to rest and deal with emails and Fiberworks, I am just about ready to tackle heading to the studio.  I need to find a place to store the new handheld vacuum I bought, which should make keeping the studio floor clean easier, and edit a warp colour order I've been playing with, then send a photo to the person the samples are for, and then?  Then I am going to sit and listen to some music and finish filling the next bobbin of the 16/2 cotton.  

And that, my friends, is about all I'm going to accomplish today, I think.  Hopefully I can sleep better tomorrow and finally get to the point of cutting off the current warp and wet finish the first half.  That warp is going to have to wait while I deal with this other warp as a priority, but honestly?  There's no rush other than my desire to get it done.  

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