
Friday, October 1, 2021

I Think I Can


If I had an 'easy' button, Life would sure be a lot...easier!

Instead I have stubbornness.  I have determination.  I'm not too bothered by 'failure' (although I'd rather not!)

Yesterday Doug and I sorted through the stuff going to Vancouver and by the time I had packed more compactly, crossed off all the stuff the team in Vancouver has promised to provide, there is actually a lot less that we need to fit into the van than I would normally take to Olds.  By quite a lot.  That's the nice thing about doing the taping in a fully equipped studio - they had a lot of stuff I would normally have to transport.

It felt good to take a bit of a breath and begin to think about life after Thanksgiving.  (October 11 in Canada).  I'm still only halfway through a fairly complex commission, so I spent much of yesterday winding the warp for the next step.  My goal is to at least get it beamed today and who knows, start threading tomorrow.  I may not get it finished, but having it begun will make for less pressure when I get home.

In November and December I will be helping with the local guild as they participate in a craft fair (and I can sell my textiles on consignment) and the guild room sale for the 5 weekends afterwards.  I don't want to work the guild booth at the craft fair because I'm still being very careful about crowds, but I can do the guild room sales where there will be far fewer people.  We can also ventilate the room fairly well and people attending will be required to wear a mask.

Otherwise, it will be back to my usual routine - weaving down my stash as much as I can.

There is a saying that if you think you can, or you think you can't, either way you are correct.  So I continue to think I can.  And I'm just bull headed enough to push through.  I'm also old enough to realize that I cannot any longer maintain the work schedule of my younger years.  So I keep my expectations more reasonable.  I refuse to give up entirely, but now I try to set goals that are more attainable.  More within my limits of energy.  

Letting go of what used to be is hard.  But sometimes?  Sometimes you just have to accept, acknowledge, and carry on - as best you can.

I think I can...

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