
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Winter Comes


It's not unusual to have snow on the ground by mid-November, and this morning we woke to a small covering that really helps brighten things up, given it's a really dull grey day.  No idea if the snow will stick this time, but it's definitely coming.

Yesterday was day one of the guild room sale.  We had a slow but steady trickle of people come in.   Mostly individuals, or small family groups.  Everyone was happy enough to show proof of vax and wear their masks.  

Several inquired about classes and we explained that we are trying to set up a 'buddy' system, one on one or one on two.  Once the sale is over and we clear out the display apparatus and inventory, we can re-arrange the room to allow for small 'classes'.  And of course there are several drop-in times where people can come in, in person or via Zoom.  

I also need to get back to setting up the Sunday Seminars.  But people are busy or distracted and sometimes getting timely answers is more challenging than others.  But I'll be reminding people that I need their info for the website soon.  

In BC we have been struggling with growing numbers of covid and if we can't suppress the growth of the virus soon, our fourth wave will morph into a fifth wave.  Not something I wish to see happen.  So Doug and I are booked for booster shots Nov. 26 (we qualify based on our age) and I expect to 'celebrate' by sending another donation to UNICEF for vaccines to go to other countries who are having difficulty find first shots, never mind third.  I see my privilege for what it is.

Otherwise, life for me keeps ticking along.  I try to get to the loom for two sessions a day.  Yesterday I didn't, of course, since I was out all day and no spoons left to weave when I got home.  But I did get a small hand dyed skein of a fine rayon flake wound onto bobbins.  When I'm done the current scarf, later today, I can roll right on into the next.  Since the new yarn is finer I will add more interlacements to the tie up which will help keep things nicely in balance.

In other news, I finished the first drafts of the documentation for Sweet Georgia and will review those today, then if they read ok, I'll email them on to the post production team.  It sounds like they are on schedule for release in January and February.  I will let people know when they launch.

Winter is generally a time for quiet, for rest, for reflection, for preparation for the coming year.  This year especially I will continue my routine of staying home as much as possible, limiting my social interactions to the internet, and just generally try to avoid catching - or spreading - a virus that has caused so much illness all around the world.

My focus will continue to be to weave down as much of my stash as possible while encouraging other weavers to continue the learning journey, however they can, in spite of a pandemic.


  1. To encourage you in the trickle down of your knowledge... over the holidays I plan to do sett samples in two of my go-to fibers (PW and twill). This was an exercise suggested to me by my friend Susan, who did it in one of her Master Weaver courses.
