
Friday, December 24, 2021

A New Day


The picture was taken at about 8:55 am this morning.  The sun hadn't quite made it over the hill, but the dawn light was welcome.

We will be having a period of cold temps beginning right about now and the estimate is that it is going to last for a while.

When I checked the forecast, the highs were going to be in the mid-to-low 20s.  Minus 20s C, that is.  Which, all things considered, isn't terrible.  Especially if that cold comes with lovely blue skies.

The cold will curb people's enthusiasm for being outside, but with covid raging, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

It will take a few days before we begin to notice that the daylight hours are increasing, but we are beyond the solstice now and the sun will begin returning.  I am grateful.  

Yesterday I had one last errand run - chiropractor to crunch my neck back into place, then the post office where I picked up a book I have been waiting to arrive (more on that later - I have to finish my current library book - which is already overdue!) and my box of 2/16 cotton.  

I am about to finish the second third of the 'last' (for now) scarf warp, and will begin working on the draft for the tea towel warp that I will beam as soon as the scarf warp comes off the loom.

We have no family here and have no plans to visit anyone.  Doug will get his exercise moving snow as the gyms are mandated closed.  At least for a few weeks.  

I've got the loom and my stash plus the SOS class will launch mid-January.  I've been told I can offer a discount coupon and will do that next week.  No, my class isn't listed yet, and won't be until January.  But using my coupon you can get 15% discount for a 3 or 12 month membership and while you are waiting for my class there may be others of interest.  Or just wait until Jan. 12 to join.  Membership begins the day you sign up, not the beginning of the month.

Otherwise, we will have a very quiet xmas.  And that is just fine by us.

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