
Wednesday, December 8, 2021



This weekend is the last weekend for the guild sale in the guild room.  Next week, everything will be packed up and hand carried next door for the final sales opportunity at the Studio Complex shop on the 18th.

After that, whatever is left will get sent home with their makers.  I, for one, still have waaaaay too much inventory.  I'm still cogitating on what to do - try and sell things on my ko-fi site?  Probably.  

As for weaving, I cut the first three scarves off the loom today, lashed on and chose a different tie-up and treadling for the next three.  I was going to try and weave, but after spending nearly two hours at the guild room helping someone get their sale inventory sorted, what little focus I had was gone.  Instead I'll spend some time fringe twisting.  Because I had two scarves to do, then added three more.  I'm busy tomorrow afternoon, then all day Saturday, but I might get 3 scarves done by Monday (ha!) but surely by Tuesday?  And then there will be three more to twist.  And three left to weave.  And twist.  And then get them all wet finished.

On the bright side, I have actually emptied a few cones and tubes (not a big deal, they were close to empty!) and decided on weft yarns for the rest of this warp.  The next warp is sorted so as soon as the loom is empty I can slam the next warp onto the beam and away we go again...wheeeeeee!

But I'm really struggling with focus right now.  I'm not sure if it is the unremitting pandemic concerns, my current state of health, the very short hours of daylight, or the culmination of all three.  I'm waiting to hear about a referral to a specialist and the prospect of traveling for a (minor-ish) medical procedure is also worrisome, given pandemic and travel to the southern half of the province.  I'm not anxious to spend any time on an airplane, but we have N95s and I can double mask while we are on the plane.

Right now weaving is my lifeline.  It keeps me grounded.  It reminds me to stay in the moment.  That doesn't mean I can entirely forget upcoming things, just that it reminds me to stay present, not fuss about the future.  

And the solstice is coming on Dec. 21.  I will welcome the returning of the light.

1 comment:

  1. All of the above. I, too, wait for the shortest day of the year, knowing that the next will be longer, and then longer after that. The dark saps me of energy and spirit. Knowing that helps. But then, so does medication. Do what's best for you! I'm watching and paying attention. Care for yourself. Consider asking for help!
