
Sunday, December 5, 2021



I got as far as the threading on Friday but was busy all day Saturday so today the plan is to begin sleying the next warp.

The colour combination is not to my personal taste, and I had some trepidation when I went with it, but it looks good on the beam.  Now the challenge will be which weft to use.  I'll use up some of the header testing different colours, then make up my mind.

It was a bit disconcerting when I worked out just how much of just ONE yarn I had left to use up and how many scarves that one yarn would weave, and frankly, at 9 scarves per warp, I'm going to build up a large inventory of scarves fairly quickly.  So I'm already planning out one or two more warps, and by the time I finish the second one, the yarn from Brassard ought to have arrived (if we don't have more highways washout or get buried under landslides) so I'm already beginning to think about switching to more tea towels.

With things so uncertain post-wise, I've decided to delay any kind of sale until the new year - maybe start the new year off with a new sense of hope and optimism?  Covid willing and the crick don't rise.

Yesterday it snowed lightly for much of the day and it's a winter wonderland outside.  There is more snow in the forecast so we may have a white Xmas after all.

I continue to hunker down, only go out if I must, and aim for two sessions in the studio a day.  I may be getting the hang of this 'retirement' gig.

Currently reading Nightblind by Ragnar Jonasson after finishing Rupture on Thursday.  Next in the queue is Chris Hadfield's thriller which Doug is currently reading and quite enjoying.  He is being kind and not sharing any 'spoilers'.  

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