
Friday, December 10, 2021

Zoom Zoom!


Last night I did a Zoom presentation for the Portland (OR) guild about stash management.  I've been to Portland a few times and there were a few familiar faces in the crowd, and it was quite lovely.

No, it's not the same as being there in person, but it is still a way to connect with others and renew acquaintance with several.

So, what did I talk about?  The elephant in the room - our stashes.

Having dispersed several yarn stashes - one way or another - I am determined to weave down as much of mine as possible.  But I know I won't get to everything, so I'm also trying to make provisions for the time when I need to downsize, or a friend (or friends) will have to do it on my behalf.

I talked about knowing how to identify what a yarn is made from by doing burn tests to separate protein and cellulose, and then how to begin to identify fibres within each category.  I gave them the names of books with solid information that will help them.  Because labels fall off, or are incorrect.  Especially the labels inside a cone.  So many cones get reused, that you can't always trust what the label says.

Good storage - protect the yarns from damp and critters.  I use clear plastic bins as much as possible and put a post it note with what is in the bins on the *inside* of the bin facing outwards so that the label doesn't dry out and fall off.

I talked about how overwhelming it can be to go through one's stash and it helps to have friends over to aid in the job of sorting and labeling.  And that if you bequest your yarn to someone for after you die, make sure that they want to or are able to, accept that bequest.  

Several of us joked about having to buy more yarn in order to use up our stash - me just getting confirmation from Brassard that my order of 16 pounds of 2/16 natural cotton was being shipped.

My only consolation is that I ONLY ordered 16 pounds of the one yarn I actually needed - I didn't top up anything else!

I've been weaving scarves for the past few weeks - each warp producing 9 scarves.  I'm on the 4th warp now with at least one more planned.  And yet?  I've barely scratched the surface of my fine rayon stash.  But I have emptied a few spools and cones, and woven textiles take up less space on the shelf than cones and tubes, so, there's that.

Many people make resolutions for the new year.  I don't.  I have intentions and for the past few years it has been my intention to weave as much of my stash as I possibly can.  Looking back from today to December 2019 when I shut down my business, I can say with some satisfaction that I have emptied some shelves of yarn and that I have less stash than I did.  And I intend to keep working at weaving down my stash.

And yes, I am available to do guild presentations via Zoom.  Who knows, maybe I'll meet more of my 'virtual' friends in sort-of real life.  It was great putting faces to a couple of people I know from the internet!

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