
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Wrapping up January


It's been hard, having to accept that my usual rate of progress is so curtailed.  But progress has been made, and I need to remember that.

I managed to get some scarves wet finished and pressed but given my current lack of depth perception, decided that NOT trimming the tufts from the ends of the fringe might be a better approach.  At least until I can focus and have some depth perception.  So they got folded and piled up on the shelf.  Since then I have been working my way through the rest of the scarves I managed to weave in December and early January.  I've only been able to manage 3 or 4 at a time, but the last load of 5 scarves is currently in the washing machine and I've just now pressed three more scarves.

The rest are being neatly draped over the back beam of the loom.  A visual reminder that trying to beam another warp right now is most likely Not A Good Idea.

My priority right now has to be to heal from this regrettable episode in my life.  So I wander through my day, picking at this and that or just sitting in the recliner feeling sorry for myself.  So Very Sorry.

Healing seems to be incredibly slow, but everyone tells me it will be.  I know that one of my brushes with shingles took at least 6 weeks to resolve.  And this one?  Is far, far worse.

However, I find myself with a tiny bit of energy, so I keep picking away at what I can do and gently shove the rest aside as irrelevant until I am much better than I currently am.  Right now I'm thinking that it will be weeks yet before I can see properly given that intense focus (see what I did there?) my eye doctor is paying to me.  

On the other hand, the class via Sweet Georgia seems to be going well.  No questions to answer today - so far.  But the questions to date have been really good ones.  I just wish I felt better and could think more clearly.

I am still not processing things well but we have a schedule and alarms and a cheat sheet to make sure I take my medication on time (within a few minutes) and the correct ones at the correct time.

Doug has been very supportive, doing all the outside errands, driving me to appointments.  I don't feel I am 'safe' to drive yet.  Still feeling 'off' and lack of focus means I should not be driving for my own - and others - safety.

However, like spring, I feel a stirring.  A desire.  A yearning to return.  But it's only the end of January.  Spring - for us - is still a long way away.  And the snow coming down and in the forecast for the coming days reminds me.  We are not done with winter yet.  Neither are we done with covid.  And nor am I done with shingles.


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