
Sunday, February 13, 2022



Today I pressed the first 7 towels from the current towel warp.  People might remember that the reed marks were quite obvious in the loom with some of them being even more obvious than others.

Since I still have towels on the loom, I thought it would be useful to show the loom state and after wet finishing.  You might want to enlarge the photo to really see the threads, but even so, post wet finishing the reed marks are nearly gone.  I can still see a few faint lines here and there, but mostly, they are gone.  And of course the motif itself has 'lines' in it so some of the 'lines' are the weave structure itself.

I haven't checked twill angle before and after.  I wasn't all that bothered if I hit 'perfect' or not.  They are a little bit shorter than my usual - I could have extended the hems a bit more to have a size in keeping with my 'usual', but since size depends largely on the size of the motif my towels are not exactly the same.

Initial assessment?  I think they will be fine.  I now have a rather large stack of towels to be hemmed, but the addition of even more eyedrops on Friday means much of the time my left eye is watering and hemming is possible but not all that pleasant.  However, the doctor says that as I run out of two of the drops I can just stop taking them.  I really wish the one bottle was smaller because it looks like enough liquid to keep going for a few more months!  However, she may call a halt before it's all gone.  I'll see her again in less than two weeks, now, and hopefully there will be better news than just 'well, it isn't healed yet'.  In the meantime my day is cut up into one and two hour chunks as I fit all the different eyedrops into my day and still try to find time to do other stuff.  Between shingles and covid Mother Nature apparently seems to be determined to make sure I stay home and don't go anywhere.  

At least I *can* weave, so there is that...

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