
Sunday, February 6, 2022

False Spring?


Pretty soon I will see sunlight splashed across the floor as it comes through the fan light in the front door.  It is an indication that spring is coming.

But not quite yet.

Even though the temperatures are above freezing right now, this is 'false' spring.  Even though the forecast says it will stay warm all week, there is zero guarantee that spring is actually on its way.  Yet.  In fact cold weather and snow can - and probably will - return, sooner rather than later.

Given what is going on in my life right now, I am content to stay hunkered down for the time being.

Even though I have made progress, I was warned recovery would be a long and winding road.  It's been nearly 4 weeks since I got the diagnosis of shingles and progress has been very very slow, indeed.

However, I was able to begin threading the next warp yesterday, reaching the halfway point by around 4:30 or so.  At which point I declared the day over.

Life is far too...'interesting'...right now.  

So I am going to concentrate on the positive.  On what I *can* do, not on what I cannot.  People have been making choices and far too many are making choices that are going to seriously impact people like me, immune compromised for one reason or another.  Some people have made the decision that people like me are expendable.  They tell us to just get covid already, because they are done with covid mitigations.  It seems we are to be ignored, indeed, sacrificed on the alter of their inconvenience.

I am going to do my damndest to NOT catch covid.  I am going to do what I can to help others learn about this craft I love so much and encourage them to continue learning, creating, moving forward as they can, when they can.

Because even though we are in 'false' spring, I also know that spring *will* come.  And one way or another we will get through this time.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! You are correct; it seems that selfishness is the world's state of mind. It's all about me, don't you know. So, you must do the best you can, as you are. And we are rooting for you, for your recovery, for your safety. AND, we are very grateful for all the wisdom you share with those of us just starting out on this magical weaving journey! Stay well!
