
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Cutting Losses


photo posted yesterday

green = correct, red = incorrect

A threading mistake wends it's way all through the entire length of a warp.  The tendency is to fix it right away, but I didn't actually see this one until I'd woven 2/3's of the warp.  In part it was because I started with very pale values for the weft and there was little contrast to show off the mistake.

As I wove and used up more of my yarn, I switched colours but was focused on the low contrast pale ones until I got further into the warp.

And then, I started using a higher contrast mid-range value turquoise blue/green.  Even then I didn't see the mistake right away.  It wasn't until I was correcting something else that needed fixing that I finally saw the error.

By then, with 2/3's of the warp already woven, with just about 8 towels left (maybe fewer) I chewed on the fact that the error was not an easy one to fix, nor a quick one.  And ultimately how much difference was it going to make?  If it had taken me this long to see it, others were going to have to look hard to notice.  Plus it was not a 'flaw' insofar as it was going to negatively impact the towel's ability to dry dishes.

I weighed how many spoons it would take to pull out nearly half of the warp (over 300 threads) and then re-thread and resley and decided there simply were not enough.

By then I wasn't sure how many more towels were left to be woven.  Given that I am also running out of the rose for weft there won't be enough for a sixth one in that colour.  So I may just sacrifice about a yard and a half of warp and simply not bother to weave a towel which would be a singleton in whatever colour I used.

How much loom waste I decide to toss into the recycle bin, it won't go to waste.  I give my loom waste to a friend who incorporates it into the art yarn she spins.

In the end I should wind up with 21 towels from this warp.  I think I can 'waste' a towel's worth of warp.  I won't try to sell these but will keep them for gifts.  Although I have been known to sell such 'flawed' towels at a deep discount, I just don't have the spoons these days to worry overmuch about them.  

Whatever happens, this warp will come off the loom, possibly today, tomorrow for sure.  And then it will be on to the next.  I'll be playing yarn chicken with the next warp.  I ordered more yarn but still haven't been notified it is on it's way.  When I did the math, it seemed like I ought to have enough on the tubes for one more warp.  But now I'm leery about whether or not I do.  Well, I can always begin and then wait for the yarn order to come in by weaving on my other loom.  I really ought to make more rayon chenille scarves, too.  It looks like about 50 pounds of that left to be used.  Sigh.

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