
Tuesday, April 19, 2022



We were warned last night that snow was coming - and it did.

Now it's not unusual for us to have an April snow dump.  We have even had snow fall in May, more rarely June, but it's been known to happen.

But it seemed very depressing to get up this morning and instead of seeing (brown) lawns, a thick layer of white covered everything.

Thing is, it's temporary.  It's a blip.  It will likely be gone by later this afternoon once it has warmed up and started raining.

We live in a place where there are seasons and they cycle through, sometimes predictably, sometimes, not so much.  

But I do admit to a moment of disappointment when I looked out the window this morning.

I have a 'busy' day today with appointments and errands to run.  I hope I can weave at least one towel when I'm done all that but I'll see how many spoons I have by the time I get home.  And remind myself I am supposed to be retired.  If I don't get to the loom one day, it's not critical.

There are other things I can be doing, like reading my library book, or thinking about an article I've just been asked to write.  Or plan my sampling for the new wool yarn I got with the intention of using it for the Olds class in June.  I've heard through the grapevine it is full with a wait list, so probably it will go ahead and I need to be prepared for that.  

One of the things on my to-be-done list is to go through my bins of samples.  I've 'lost' my lace samples, which is totally annoying because I just used them for a Zoom presentation the end of February, then put them...somewhere...I don't know where.  But I need them for later in the year and I'd rather not have to re-weave them!  Plus the samples for the Olds class.  And just...feel more organized as I begin to do the lectures for SOS.

So even if I don't feel like weaving, there are other things I could be doing.

I'll ignore the snow as much as possible, will drive carefully because we, like many others, took the snow tires off our vehicles, thinking we were done with snow.  Too soon, apparently.

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