
Friday, June 3, 2022

Details, Details


After I messed with the 12 shaft version of the draft for a while I decided I wasn't happy with it and made one 'small' change.  The V progression between the motifs was reduced so instead of running from 12 to 1 and back, I shortened it to 12-6 and back.

Now the emphasis is more on the 'flower' and the diamonds between the motifs more 'background'.

It was a small change but one that allowed the motif to be more obvious, and more flower like.  More in keeping with the 16 shaft version I will be using.

I am also thinking of revisiting the 8 shaft version.  

Sometimes it is the little details that make - or break - a design.  Sometimes I need to reflect on what I am seeing and what I *want* to see.  Then I need to analyze how to change the sequence to get closer to my intended end result.

Will I ever weave this?  Probably not.  I have 16 shafts so I might as well use them.  :)  But sometimes it's good to work in areas to see if you really are understanding the structure of a weaving design, then modify it.  

These little flowers look more like pansies to me.  If anyone with 12 shafts weaves this, I'd love to see how it looks woven.

If you can't make out the threading from this draft, email me and I can send it as a .wif or .dtx format draft.

Remember to adjust the draft for your yarns and width.  No provision has been made here for borders. 

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