
Thursday, July 28, 2022



Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.

All things break. And all things can be mended.

Not with time, as they say, but with intention.

So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.

The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.

~ L.R. Knost

As per my 'usual' I got up, got my juice and morning pills and opened Twitter to scroll through what was happening in the Twitterverse.

I mean, it could have been Facebook, or the 'news' or any of a number of other online sites, but Twitter posts are generally short and succinct and about the right amount of info for my waking up brain.

In the pre-internet days it might have been the daily newspaper or the radio bringing me all the 'news of the day', so not much has changed other than the medium being used.

We are in the middle of a heat wave, a global pandemic, another about to become one, climate disasters around the world, and politics gone...I'd say 'mad' but that doesn't quite capture the totality of how I feel about what is currently happening within the species we call 'humanity'.  

In spite of our long summer days, it all begins to feel a bit...dark.  More than a little 'broken'.

It feels pretty pointless for me to head to the loom in a few minutes to weave another tea towel.  How self-absorbed I am, to know what is happening in the greater world and choose to go weave a...tea towel?

Then I came across a cartoon with a handful of stick figures protesting, very LOUDLY, about something, with signs saying 'everyone supports us'.  Across from this tiny group there was a much larger, and quieter, crowd and their signs read 'No we don't!'

And that pretty much sums up what appears to be happening right now.  

So I will finish my coffee, I will go weave a tea towel, and then a 2nd one (because I try to do two every day I can), and then I will work on teaching materials.  Because a more educated population is, IMHO, preferable to an uneducated one.  An inclusive population is preferable to an exclusive one.  And if, in the end, civilization (as we know it) goes to pot, we may very well need a group of people who can spin and weave again.

I will continue to work on my teaching content for SOS (and another entity which I will not name just yet) and do my best to share what I know with people who care to 

learn it.

I will continue to support others who are doing the same.

I will try to not be dismayed by the current brokenness of this world.

I will choose to weave, to live, with intention.  The intention to be helpful and supportive, and light as many candles as I can.  Because lighting another candle does NOT extinguish mine, but doubles the light.

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