
Saturday, September 17, 2022

Lemons -> Lemonade


After the disappointment of the 'too old' mercerized cotton, I returned to a more robust yarn, and one that I have enjoyed weaving with for a very long time.  It was 'comfort' weaving during a time where there is much to be stressed about.

Still on a mission to weave down my stash, I have a significant amount of 2/8 cotton left and there was plenty to quickly toss 20 tubes onto the spool rack and get a warp beamed with the goal of using up the heavier weight single linen yarn that *also* needs using up.  

And it was on my list of things to do 'next' so it didn't take all that long to get the warp onto the beam.  The added benefit was that it is a lot easier for me to see and this warp actually went on with no mistakes (that I am yet aware of, at any rate!)

The photo doesn't do the cloth justice, being taken from below the breast beam and poor light, but I think you can see that for 'beige' it's interesting in a subtle way.  

The two faces of the cloth are not 'balanced' insofar as you see more warp on one side, more weft on the other.  With the heavier linen weft, these towels will make great 'sauna' towels (they will be lovely as exfoliant towels providing a really good rub down!)

I went with 20 epi even though that is a bit on the open side for density but included plain weave to add stability and contrast.  The open density should provide drape while the plain weave will provide body.  And linen being linen, the more these towels get used, the better they will become.

There will be nine more sleeps before we leave and I have slowly been pulling my teaching aids together, generating more visuals to help explain things.  With an on line class, I have to be extra thorough in my explanations because there won't be the usual feedback from students in the moment.  So I have to cover the bases and anticipate areas where some may need a clearer expression of what is happening and why.

In the meantime, life goes on, summer turns into autumn, and my goals remain the same - weave down my stash and try to share as much as I can about what I know - or at least from my experience.  My hope is that people will take my experience for what it is, and then move forward on their own time, in their own direction, and add to the body of knowledge.

Because I by no means know it 'all'.  No one can.  What we *can* do is pool our knowledge so that we all benefit.

And turn 'lemons' into 'lemonade'.

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