
Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday 13th


The trip down was long and mostly ok given January.  But 500 miles is still 500 miles and my body really doesn’t want to do those anymore.  

I kept thinking about how many times I have white knuckled my way to the coast over the years, and now…I just donwanna anymore.   

OTOH, I will be down again early April for another shot.  After that I’m hoping the local pain clinic will have a spot for me, although that may be optimistic.  

Didn’t get much hemming done at the halfway stop because the motel room had really bad lighting, but the hotel room is bigger with better light.  And a lot more expensive, given Vancouver prices.  So I dug in last night.

But the jab today seems to have taken better than the last time so I’m hopeful it will be less of a struggle to do things, and I won’t need the heavy duty pain meds for a while.  

The doctor and X-ray person each got hand woven scarves today as a thank you.  They were puzzled, I think, but I told the X-ray guy (who I talked with more than the doctor) that they are a gift from my heart and that I give to all my health care team because without them I don’t know that I would be weaving much, if at all.   

The scarves were wrapped in tissue and slid into a wine bottle gift bag. I’m sure they thought it was wine, but surprise!  Scarf burritos.  😁

We head home tomorrow. The weather is going to be not great, but heading home is so much better.  My bed.  My kitchen.  My loom.  And the next warp ready for when I finish the current one.  

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