
Wednesday, February 15, 2023




This design may not look very different from a previous iteration, but it has some changes that make it different when seen side by side.


This may not look like a huge difference, but I am going slowly with the changes I am making and the small changes made to the threading and the adjustment to the treadling contribute to a change in the overall feel, minor though it may be.

I felt the diamonds that separated the motif in the earlier version were a bit distracting so I wanted to approach the repeat differently.  The shape of the motif also changed, slightly, in a way that I find pleasing.

So far the changes to the treadling have been zero to minimal.  Thinking for #6 is probably going to be more of a 'leap' as I tweak the threading and quite possibly the tie up.  But it's early days yet, and I still have the warp currently being put into the loom to weave, plus #5 before I can get to #6.

I 'found' the white 2/16 cotton I had been using (carefully put away) which appears to have another two warps worth of yarn on the tubes, so I didn't actually need to order more - but I did.  Because I can see this series continuing for a while yet.

There is still a heap of bins with mercerized cotton in them, so there is plenty of yarn to experiment with.

In the meantime I proceed with the essays.  Some of the essays will be about the 'same' thing, but hopefully expressed differently in order to cast light on the ways everything about weaving will depend in the various ways the 'it depends' answer will be shown to be correct.  

Over the years it has been proven over and over that repeating the information in different ways will help different people begin to understand the variables involved in the craft.  Or even the same person as their knowledge grows.

By creating 'short' bursts of information, then another 'burst' from a different angle, I hope to provide people with the information they need to grow their knowledge.

As I wend my way through the matrix, I can't help but feel a bit lost myself and my dreams are reflecting that.  Lately I've been having 'lost while travelling dreams' which usually happened when I was about to leave on a physical trip.  But I'm not physically travelling these days so I can only assume my dreams are processing my feelings that are bound up in my desire to share what I know.

But what I know isn't necessarily amenable to straight line progressions.  Because change one thing, and everything can change.

And so these essays are going to be looking at the same things, but from different lenses, from different places within the matrix.

People may find that they will read and then re-read this collection as their knowledge grows, and then they can fit in more nuggets or kernels into their understanding of the craft.

Because 'it depends' is the only correct short answer in weaving.  And understanding the why of how it depends can take a while to assimilate into our understanding.

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