
Saturday, February 18, 2023

Making Weavers


Today is the last day of class.  It snowed heavily overnight so I'm not sure all three will be able to make it into town.  In which case, I may suggest meeting next week at the Sunday guild drop in.

We covered a lot of ground, and while they have a long way to go they have a glimpse of what it means to be a weaver.  Even if they don't take it any further, I hope they have a greater understanding and appreciation of how thread gets turned into cloth.

Today will be review and wrap up, and a chance for them to weave some more.  I will monitor position and posture and give feedback where I feel necessary, but honestly, the real 'work' of learning how to weave has only just begun for them.  Making a weaver takes time and mindful practice.

Weaving is one of the original 'slow' makings.  Each person can approach the craft in the way that best suits them.

My hope with my teaching (be it in person, video or writing) is to help people pinpoint what is going wrong so that appropriate responses are used.  Rather than just try to fix the symptom, work out what the actual problem is, then fix that.

But like so many things, symptoms can be caused by various issues and until the weaver understands what the actual problem is, any solution can only be a bandage.  Understanding how a loom works will help in identifying when it is a loom problem, not a weaver problem.  

I continue to work on the essays, although not today.  With a goal of 5 per week, that keeps the pressure to what I can manage and if something prevents me from getting one done, it's not critical.  I have no idea how many essays I will wind up producing, but I have a deadline to get them to the editor as she has time this summer to slot me into her schedule.  When it will be ready, I have no idea at the minute, but hopefully sometime this year.  I do know that I won't wait but will get it done as quickly as I can.

Time to get dressed and head to the guild room.  Doug is clearing the driveway.  The snow has stopped - for now.  Hopefully the roads won't be too bad.  But I have options in case the students can't make it.

1 comment:

  1. the warp in the photo is so beautiful! I found myself looking carefully to see how the colors were blended. Thank you for sharing it!
