
Monday, April 24, 2023

Step by Step


Not entirely sure I'm in love with this design, but I think it will do.  That centre stripe is a bit overwhelming when seen in full width, but generally I tend to fold my towels in half lengthwise, in which case the side 'stripes' then become framed with the zig-zags which would then reduce the visual 'noise' of that centre stripe.

My story, sticking to it.

I messed around with this draft after the zoom presentation on Saturday.  As usual I went 'over'.  There is just So Much to be said about, well, everything.

Sunday I took a one day workshop in spinning.  I hadn't touched my wheel in about 5 years.  For a number of reasons I got out of sync with spinning as other things claimed my time and attention.  The wheel was not forgotten, as such.  It did, in fact, live right out there in plain sight, but I've become good at ignoring things I don't want to, or can't, deal with.

As my physical body continues to decline, I have to accept the fact that some day, sooner or later, I won't be able to weave anymore, so spinning might become important to keep myself occupied and continue my explorations into textiles.

I told the instructor (as I have told other spinning instructors) that my goal in taking the workshop was to become a better weaver.  Which takes them aback, but still, if I don't know my materials, I can't truly know my cloth.  And spinning my own yarn gives me a much greater understanding of the dynamic the various permutations of yarn construction can have on cloth.

As part of the class we looked at crepe yarn.  I knew that crepe cloth was woven with yarn specially spun for that quality of cloth, but hadn't ever spun it for myself.  I've become intrigued, especially when I discovered that - like pretty much everything about textiles - the way crepe yarn is made can vary.  

Now I'm thinking this might justify a dip into that rabbit hole, but with my own particular spin (ha) on it.  I may not wind up with 'true' crepe yarn, but it might prove to be an interesting exploration.

I am also considering using a very fine 2 ply instead of my own high twist singles for the final yarn, which would likely cause such a yarn construction to not qualify as 'crepe', but it would mean I wouldn't have to spin that very fine yarn.  I could even add twist to the commercially spun yarn to have that extra twist energy.  I do, after all, have an espinner so it wouldn't take much effort to run that 2 ply through and add twist to it.

Having had a taste of what it takes to deal with some high twist yarns, I have a better handle on what I would do if I were to take on such an exploration.  

It may all come to naught, but who knows?  Another unexpected rabbit warren to dive into, it seems. 

PS - I am taking zoom bookings for 2024 but still have room on my calendar for the later months of this year.  My topics are posted on  Plus, of course, there are two new classes being launched this year for School of Sweet Georgia.  

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