
Sunday, June 25, 2023

On The Road Again


These days, it feels like a simple quick trip to Vancouver is more like mounting an expedition to Mount Everest.

Since I'm immune compromised, we book hotel rooms with microwave and fridge, bring our own coffee pot (because hotel room coffee pots are pretty awful), bring food I can eat (food allergies), and make our own breakfast and lunch and bring in take away to eat in the hotel room for dinner.

That means bringing dishes, therefore the drain rack, soap and tea towel.  The air filter comes, too, because hardly anyone is wearing a mask anymore and frankly, I can do without a summer cold, never mind covid or any of the other viruses floating around.

On the one hand, we are told that covid is 'no big deal' but on the other, that immune compromised people have to fend for themselves.  Fortunately I have a spouse willing to protect me and continues to wear a mask and is willing to drag our air filter along for the hotel room.

This trip is 'easier' insofar as I'm not teaching so we don't have to load the van full of teaching stuff, too.  But we have some other 'errands' that can be done while we are in the lower mainland, so there are those things to remember.  

My state of health continues to be...well, 'fragile'...I suppose you could say.  But the appointment last week has given me some things to follow up on, and I'm hoping the doctor in Vancouver will have some further input as what to do in the coming months.  Like that punching bag I mentioned previously, I have risen to fight again.

With a long drive there and back again, I have packed 3 books, my knitting, two bins of hemming.  Heaven forbid I run out of things to do while sitting in the van or the hotel room.  Because my days of going to the theatre, art galleries, MOA at UBC, or any other crowded indoor event are over.

"Oh, just live your life, don't be living in fear all the time!"  Um, yeah, I'm old, been there, done most of the things I care to, I can survive 'sacrificing' having 'fun' in order to avoid getting sick.  Am I afraid?  OK, if that's someone's opinion, I'll say I'm afraid.  Mostly I'm stubborn.  I don't want to get sick.  I don't want Long Covid.  I don't want to die from a virus I could have prevented by taking some simple measures to avoid catching it.

Last night I saw the latest iteration of the ms and frankly?  It's looking good.  Will it be good enough?  Dunno.  Others will have to weigh in on that.  But my editor is working hard to polish it and we discussed a few things for her to be working on for the coming week.  

The new 'deadline' is to have the review pdf ready by July 4.  If that is ready, she can be uploading the file to blurb, I can order the 'sample' copy to preview, and once I've seen that I can order in the print copies for the pre-publication offer.

Thank you to those who have contacted me to indicate interest.  The pre-pub offer is good until midnight July 4, 2023 (Pacific time zone).  Indicate your interest in purchasing a signed copy from me (the only place you will be able to get one - unless you come visit and bring your copy with you!) and you'll get a tea towel (of my choice), free.  The price will be $68 (Canadian) and payment can be via ko-fi or Paypal.

If you email me, use the subject 'lagniappe' so that I can easily find them when it comes time to contact you re: payment.  (And you thought I was being silly using a rare word!)  :D  

We are off in a few minutes.  I will have email when we have wifi.  And Sweet Georgia Yarns will have signed copies of The Intentional Weaver as of Wednesday afternoon.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay weaving (or spinning or whatever it is that makes your heart sing!)

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